PhD Degree Requirment

Graduation Requirements

Participants in the Olivet University Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration must fulfill the following degree requirements for graduation. The participant:

  1. Must satisfactorily complete 60 quarter credits of doctoral work of which 15 credits are for the dissertation.
  2. Must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 3.3.
  3. Must be in good standing at Olivet School of Business, according to the Academic Integrity section of the Ph.D. Program Handbook, with all bills paid.
  4. Must pass a comprehensive oral examination prior to entrance into the dissertation phase.
  5. Produce a portfolio, which includes the above mentioned dissertation and 5 articles that contribute to research in business administration.
  6. Produce a coherent, cogently argued, properly researched and written dissertation that makes an original, scholarly contribution to research in business administration.
  7. Must receive approval to graduate after successfully defending his or her dissertation, which is administered by the Advisor and the Doctoral Committee.
  8. Must complete all degree requirements within the 8-year time limit, unless explicitly extended on application to the Doctoral Committee. A “continuation fee” would be required.

Time Limit

The Ph.D. program must be completed within eight (8) years after formal acceptance into the program. All requirements for degree programs must be completed within set time limits after the student’s first term of enrollment in his/her program.

If a student fails to complete the program within the time limit, he/she will be considered to have withdrawn. Re-application is required to be considered for re-admission to the program.

Student Appeals to Extend the Time Limit for the Degree

When each student is assigned a Dissertation Advisor, he and his advisor will discuss his potential graduation date. If at any time in the Dissertation Phase the projected date of graduation falls after the seven years, the student, through his or her advisor should appeal with explanation to the Ph.D. Committee for an extension.

Approval: The student will be notified, through the Advisor, of the Ph.D. Committee’s approval of the extension and the details. The student then most agree, in writing, to the terms of the extension.

Denial: If the committee denies the appeal, the student will be notified, through the Advisor, as soon as possible. The student may appeal to the Olivet University Academic Dean for reconsideration and the dean’s decision is final.