OBS News

Applied Business Research and Finance Classes: Finding Opportunity in Adversity

Adjunct professor Sebastian Keita of Olivet Business School and Professor Jacob Chatterjee, Esq. shared their experience about holding online classes on Applied Business Research and Finance respectively over the summer, amid the pandemic.

Applied Business Research is one of Keita’s specialties, and in fact, the first class Keita has ever given at Olivet. Keita said, “Applied Business Research is the opportunity to make students think, be critical, and have fun. Many professors forget that research is supposed to be enjoyable. I hope to transfer those sentiments to my students.”

As for the class on Finance, Chatterjee, who is also the Dean of the business school, tried to take an alternative approach to teach the subject most students find challenging.

“Traditionally, finance is not a popular subject. My own experience has led me to believe that the subject’s technicalities are less important than the big picture offered by the professor. Understanding the core concepts of accounting and financial statement analysis, principles of finance, investments, corporate finance, and business evaluations is important but what is more important is developing quantitative and problem-solving skills that will help students see the complex financial decisions through a local, regional, and global lens and help them learn to appreciate and resolve them,” Chatterjee said.

Overall, Dean Chatterjee reflected that the Summer Quarter was a success. “I am delighted that we have been able to keep the classes running smoothly during this troubled time. It shows our resolve as a college community to make our students better prepared to cope with adversity,” he said.

OBS News

MBA Leadership Course Offers Christian Perspectives on Workplace Management

The Olivet Business School in Manhattan, New York, welcomed its current students enrolled in the MBA programs for the new quarter.

Two featured courses, “Operations Management” and “Human Resource Management”, are being offered this quarter. The rapid changes and shifting structures in learning environments have altered how management is approached in modern times. Though the courses will be exploring new collaborative software technologies and strategies used in the field, the focus is still based on human and social aspects of organization.

“Operation management is a difficult subject to approach by any business professor as it represents the quintessential fracture between the conventional concepts found in books and the necessary imagination to pursue business in this ever-evolving world,” said Professor Sebastian Keita.

“I encourage my students to be open to the importance of using their imagination for operation management. It will permit them to bridge that gap between the books and the evolving world,” Keita added.

Speaking on the subject of human resources management, Dean of Olivet Business School Jacob Chatterjee pointed out that the most important asset in any successful company or enterprise is its employees.

“Human resource management is a much-misunderstood subject. It is not just about good intentions and whistling in the dark or avoiding unionization. The objective of the class is to teach students to have a strategic approach in the corporate managerial setting. Such training will yield to a more motivated workforce, allowing for a more competitive advantage overall,” Chatterjee said.

The Olivet School of Business New York Extension site offers selected courses for its MBA program while providing Entrepreneurial internships and Ministry internship opportunities at its 3 floor Manhattan building. For more information, visit