The Manhattan New York Olivet Business School campus will be introducing two courses, MG610 Operations Management and HR650 Human Resource Management, for the Winter 2020 quarter. Operations Management will be taught by Professor Sebastian Keita and Human Resources by Professor Jacob Chatterjee.
The two courses are some of the most specialized in the MBA Program. Operations Management centers around the administration of business practices to achieve the highest efficiency possible within an organization in order to maximize the profit of an organization. Human Resource Management correlates with the development of recognized systems planned for the management of people within an organization so that they become more valuable to the organization.
“The OBS team is planning on how to offer an engaging and exciting new experience while keeping its core values intact. This balance must be always renewed. While offering traditionally inspired courses in the curriculum of the MBA, we as OBS faculty have given ourselves the mission to make our students dynamically implicated in the learning process. This proactive approach blends traditional and modern,” Professor Keita commented.
For this upcoming 2020 academic year, OBS hopes to better serve their students and to make them more complete and proactive partners to the challenges facing them in their spiritual journey, their academic path, their professional aspirations, the greater New York City community as well as their worldview.